Senin, 18 Agustus 2014

About Me

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Hello guys. My name Is Muhammad Atmadio Ceisario. I'm study at SMAN 10 Samarinda (Indonesia). I'm still new at that school. By the way, you can call me Rio. I was born at Samarinda, 31 August 1999. So my birthday will be as soon as possible right now. My religion is Islam. My hobby are reading history book and sometimes i like playing games. My phone number is +6285389612262

My favourite food is Fried Rice. My favourite drink is Ice tea. Maybe some of you like ice tea, right ? My favourite colour are green and blue. Maybe that's not cool for you but it's cool for me.

I have parents and 2 little sisters. My first little sisters is now at class 6 in elementary school. She is school at SD Muhammadiyah 1 Samarinda (Indonesia). Her name is Widya Ayu Pramesti. You can call her Ayu. My second little sisters is now still at Playgroup. She is school at TK Cahaya Islam (Indonesia). Her name is Syafina Riksa Pratiwi. You can call her Fina.

Sometimes, i love playing games too. I also playing online games too. Such as World Of Tanks (website : I'm play at NA (North America) server. My IGN (In Game Name) in World Of Tanks is knightatmadio. You can search my ID WOT (World Of Tanks) just in NA server. I already join clan in that game. My clan name is SAKTI (just for indonesia player). My position at that clan is Company Commander. I have 1 Tier X (T110E5), 2 Tier 7's (T71 and T-43).

That's all i can introduce about myself. Thank you guys.

                                                                                                        Muhammad Atmadio Ceisario

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