Sabtu, 09 Agustus 2014

Keeping it Simple

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Over the past few months, the ideas of uncovering back the superfluous, simplifying and propulsion apart actuality that means of integrity are sturdy personal themes. for several folks,  theres a drive to once more examine recent patterns that still run gayly within the background despite years of rumination. maybe beneath the direction of a replacement international energy, theres a way of having the ability to fondly jettisoning of these things that have served USA all well on one level, however have offered excuses to remain tiny on another.
I stumbled on Don Miguel Ruiz The Four Agreements the opposite day and it powerfully resonated with this need to pare back; to simplify; to become a lot of real as a participant during this world and start in operation in an exceedingly a lot of authentic method.

1. Be Impeccable together with your Word: Speak with integrity. Say solely what you mean. Avoid mistreatment the Word to talk against yourself or to gossip regarding others. Use the facility of your Word within the direction of truth and love.
2. Dont Take something Personally: Nothing others do is owing to you. What others say and do could be a projection of their own reality, their own dream. once you area unit resistant to the opinions and actions of others, you wont be the victim of uncalled-for suffering.
3. Dont create Assumptions: notice the spirit to raise queries and to specific what you actually need. Communicate with others as clearly as you'll be able to to avoid misunderstandings, disappointment and drama. With simply this one agreement, you'll be able to utterly remodel your life.
4. perpetually Do Your Best: Your best goes to vary from moment to moment; it'll vary once you area unit healthy as hostile sick. beneath any circumstance, merely do your best, and you may avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret to may virtually modification the method we tend to as humans operate during this world. however do they resonate with you? Please be happy to share your thoughts, we like to hear from you.

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