Minggu, 31 Agustus 2014

Ayat dan Hadist Tentang Jihad

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Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang beriman, orang-orang yang berhijrah dan berjihad di jalan Allah , mereka itu mengharapkan rahmat Allah , dan Allah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang. (Al Baqarah:218)

(Berinfaklah) kepada orang-orang fakir yang terikat (oleh jihad) di jalan Allah ; mereka tidak dapat (berusaha) di bumi; orang yang tidak tahu menyangka mereka orang kaya karena memelihara diri dari minta-minta. Kamu kenal mereka dengan melihat sifat-sifatnya, mereka tidak meminta kepada orang secara mendesak. Dan apa saja harta yang baik yang kamu nafkahkan (di jalan Allah ), maka sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui. (Al Baqarah:273)

Apakah kamu mengira bahwa kamu akan masuk surga, padahal belum nyata bagi Allah orang-orang yang berjihad di antaramu, dan belum nyata orang-orang yang sabar. (Ali 'Imran:142)

Tidaklah sama antara mukmin yang duduk (yang tidak terut berperang) yang tidak mempunyai uzur dengan orang-orang yang berjihad di jalan Allah dengan harta mereka dan jiwanya. Allah melebihkan orang-orang yang berjihad dengan harta dan jiwanya atas orang-orang yang duduk satu derajat. Kepada masing-masing mereka Allah menjanjikan pahala yang baik (surga) dan Allah melebihkan orang-orang yang berjihad atas orang yang duduk dengan pahala yang besar, (An Nisaa':95)

Hai orang-orang yang beriman bertaqwalah Kepada Allah dan carilah jalan yang mendekatkan diri kepada-Nya, dan berjihadlah pada jalan-Nya, supaya kamu mendapat keberuntungan. (Al Maa-idah:35)

Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang beriman dan berhijrah serta berjihad dengan harta dan jiwanya pada jalan Allah dan orang-orang yang memberikan tempat kediaman dan pertolongan (kepada orang-orang muhajirin), mereka itu satu sama lain lindung melindungi. Dan (terhadap) orang-orang yang beriman, tetapi belum berhijrah, maka tidak ada kewajiban atasmu melindungi mereka, sebelum mereka berhijrah. (Akan tetapi jika mereka meminta pertolongan kepadamu dalam (urusan pembelaan) agama, maka kamu wajib memberikan pertolongan kecuali terhadap kaum yang telah ada perjanjian antara kamu dengan mereka. Dan Allah Maha Melihat apa yang kamu kerjakan. (Al Anfaal:72)

Dan orang-orang yang beriman dan berhijrah serta berjihad di jalan Allah , dan orang-orang yang memberi tempat kediaman dan memberi pertolongan (kepada orang-orang muhajirin), mereka itulah orang-orang yang benar-benar beriman. Mereka memperoleh ampunan dan rezki (nikmat) yang mulia. (Al Anfaal:74)

Dan orang-orang yang beriman sesudah itu, kemudian berhijrah dan berjihad bersamamu maka orang-orang itu termasuk golonganmu (juga). Orang-orang yang mempunyai hubungan kerabat itu sebagiannya lebih berhak terhadap sesamanya (daripada yang bukan kerabat) di dalam kitab Allah . Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu. (Al Anfaal:75)

Apakah kamu akan mengira bahwa kamu akan dibiarkan (begitu saja), sedang Allah belum mengetahui (dalam kenyatan) orang-orang yang berjihad di antara kamu dan tidak mengambil menjadi teman yang setia selain Allah , Rasul-Nya dan orang-orang yang beriman. Dan Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan. (At Taubah:16)

Apakah (orang-orang) yang memberi minuman kepada orang-orang yang mengerjakan haji dan mengurus Masjidil haram, kamu samakan dengan orang-orang yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari kemudian serta berjihad di jalan Allah . Mereka tidak sama di sisi Allah ; dan Allah tidak memberikan petunjuk kepada kaum yang zalim. (At Taubah:19).

Orang-orang yang beriman dan berhijrah serta berjihad di jalan Allah dengan harta benda dan diri mereka, adalah lebih tinggi derajatnya di sisi Allah ; dan itulah orang-orang yang mendapatkan kemenangan. (At Taubah:20)

Katakanlah: "Jika bapak-bapak, anak-anak, saudara-saudara, isteri-isteri, kaum keluarga, harta kekayaan yang kamu usahakan, perniagaan yang kamu khawatiri kerugiannya, dan rumah-rumah tempat tinggal yang kamu sukai adalah lebih kamu cintai lebih daripada Allah dan Rasul-Nya dan (dari) berjihad di jalan-Nya, maka tunggulah sampai Allah mendatangkan keputusan-Nya". Dan Allah tidak memberi petunjuk kepada orang-orang yang fasik. (At Taubah:24).
Berangkatlah kamu baik dalam keadaan ringan ataupun merasa berat, dan dan berjihadlah dengan harta dan jiwa pada jalan Allah . Yang demikian itu adalah lebih baik bagimu jika kamu mengetahui. (At Taubah:41)

Orang-orang yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari kemudian, tidak akan meminta ijin kepadamu untuk (tidak ikut) berjihad dengan harta dan diri mereka. Dan Allah mengetahui orang-orang yang bertaqwa. (At Taubah:44).

Hai Nabi, berjihadlah (melawan) orang-orang kafir dan orang-orang munafik itu, dan bersikap keraslah terhadap mereka. Tempat mereka adalah neraka Jahannam. Dan itulah tempat kembali yang seburuk-buruknya. (At Taubah:73).
Orang-orang yang ditinggalkan (tidak ikut berperang) itu, merasa gembira dengan tinggalnya mereka di belakang Rasulullah, dan mereka tidak suka berjihad dengan harta dan jiwa mereka pada jalan Allah dan mereka berkata: "Janganlah kamu berangkat (pergi berperang) dalam panas terik ini". Katakanlah: "Api neraka Jahannam itu lebih sangat panas(nya)", jikalau mereka mengetahui. (At Taubah:81)

Tetapi Rasul dan orang-orang yang beriman bersama dia, mereka berjihad dengan harta dan diri mereka. Dan mereka itulah orang-orang yang memperoleh kebaikan; dan mereka itulah (pula) orang-orang yang beruntung. (At Taubah:88)

Nabi s.a.w telah ditanya: Apakah yang dapat dibandingkan dengan jihad pada jalan Allah? Nabi s.a.w menjawab: Kamu tidak akan sanggup melakukannya. Pertanyaan tersebut diulang sehingga dua atau tiga kali. Tetapi baginda masih menjawab: Kamu tidak akan sanggup melakukannya. Pada kali yang ketiganya baginda bersabda: Perumpamaan orang yang berjihad pada jalan Allah samalah seperti seorang yang selalu berpuasa dan selalu melakukan ibadat malam serta taat kepada ayat-ayat Allah. Beliau tidak merasa letih dari puasa dan sembahyangnya sehinggalah orang yang berjihad pada jalan Allah itu kembali (HR Muslim).

Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Sesungguhnya keluar berjuang di jalan Allah sepagi atau sepetang adalah lebih baik daripada dunia dan isinya (HR Muslim)

Sesungguhnya seorang lelaki telah datang kepada Nabi s.a.w dan bertanya: Siapakah orang yang paling baik dari kalangan manusia? Nabi s.a.w menjawab: Seseorang yang berjihad pada jalan Allah dengan harta benda dan jiwanya. Lelaki itu bertanya lagi: Kemudian siapa lagi? Nabi s.a.w menjawab: Seorang mukmin yang berada di kaki bukit dan beribadat kepada Allah serta menjauhkan manusia dari kejahatannya (HR Muslim).

Sesungguhnya Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Allah tersenyum (reda) terhadap dua orang lelaki, salah seorang darinya membunuh yang seorang lagi namun kedua-duanya dimasukkan ke dalam Syurga. Para sahabat bertanya: Bagaimana boleh terjadi begitu wahai Rasulullah? Baginda bersabda: Seseorang yang ikut berperang pada jalan Allah lalu beliau mati syahid, kemudian orang yang membunuh tadi telah bertaubat dan Allah telah menerima taubatnya. Setelah memeluk Islam beliau juga turut keluar berperang pada jalan Allah, kemudian beliau juga mati syahid (HR Muslim).

Jumat, 29 Agustus 2014


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Lari jarak pendek (sprint) adalah semua perlombaan lari dimana peserta berlari dengan kecepatan penuh/maksimal sepanjang jarak yang harus ditempuh. Kelangsungan gerak pada sprint secara teknik sama, kalau ada perbedaan hanyalah terletak pada penghematan penggunaan tenaga karena perbedaan jarak yang harus ditempuh. Makin jauh jarak yang harus ditempuh, makin membutuhkan daya tahan yang besar. Nomor-nomor pada lari jarak pendek yaitu : 100 m, 200 m, dan 400 m. Dengan lebar lintasan 1,22 m, dan tinggi tiang finish 1,50 m.
Sebelum melakukan sprint, pelari (sprinter) harus melakukan tahap persiapan terlebih dahulu. Pada tahap ini yang ditekankan adalah sikap relaksasi, yaitu dengan menarik napas agar pelari dapat lebih relaks. Adapun gerakannya yaitu, mengangkat kedua tangan sambil menarik napas, dilanjutkan dengan menurunkan tangan dengan memulai sikap start serta menghembuskan napas seiring dengan gerakan tangan ke bawah.
Teknik yang harus dikuasai oleh pelari cepat (sprint) adalah start atau tolakan, lari sprint, dan finish. Start lari jarak pendek yaitu start jongkok. Start ini terbagi menjadi tiga jenis yaitu : start pendek, start menengah, dan start panjang. Penamaan start tersebut tergantung pada penempatan lutut kaki belakang. Seorang pelari bebas menentukan jenis start yang akan digunakan dalam lari jarak pendek.
A.   Teknik Start
1.        Start pendek (Bunch Start)
Cara melakukannya :
a)           Langkahkan kaki kanan ke depan dan tempatkan kaki kiri di belakang. Jari-jari kaki kiri belakang kira-kira segaris dengan tumit kaki kanan yang berada di depan.
b)          Jatuhkan badan ke depan dan letakkan tangan di belakang garis start. Jari-jari tangan meregang membentuk huruf V (antara ibu jari dan keempat jari lainnya). Sejajarkan jari tangan dengan garis start.
c)           Sikap kedua lengan lurus, berat badan bertumpu pada kedua lengan, dan pandangan lurus ke depan.
d)          Kemudian angkat panggul ke atas hingga posisi pantat lebih tinggi dari pundak. Kedua lengan tetap lurus, tetapi dengan leher yang tetap lemas.
e)           Kemudian tolakan lari pada balok start dengan sekuat-kuatnya, lalu larilah secepat-cepatnya.
2.        Start menengah (Medium Start)
  Secara umum start menengah sama dengan start pendek. Perbedaan keduanya terletak pada penempatan posisi kaki depan dengan kaki belakang sebagai berikut :
a)           Saat badan diturunkan posisi lutut segaris dengan ujung jari-jari kaki depan.
b)          Gerakan selanjutnya sama dengan yang dilakukan pada start pendek.
3.        Start panjang (Long Start)
       Secara umum urutan gerakan, sikap tangan, dan badan sama dengan start pendek dan start menengah. Perbedaannya terletak pada penempatan posisi kaki depan dan kaki belakang sebagai berikut :
a)         Saat menurunkan badan, letakkan lutut kaki belakang (kiri) segaris dengan tumit Kaki depan (kanan) atau lebih mundur lagi.
b)        Gerakan selanjutnya sama dengan yang dilakukan dalam start pendek dan menengah.
B.   Teknik Lari
       Dalam lari sprint ada tiga teknik dasar yang harus dikuasai yaitu : gerakan kaki, ayunan lengan, dan posisi badan saat berlari.
a)         Gerakan kaki
Gerakan kaki dalam lari jarak pendek yaitu melangkah dengan selebar dan secepat mungkin. Posisi kaki belakang saat menolak dari tanah seakan tertendang lurus ke depan dengan cepat. Saat bersamaan lutut ditekuk secara wajar agar paha mudah terayun ke depan. Ketika mendaratkan kaki, yang digunakan adalah ujung telapak kaki dengan lutut agak ditekuk.
b)        Ayunan lengan
Lengan diayun ke depan atas sebatang hidung. Posisi siku ditekuk lebih kurang membentuk sudut 90o.
c)         Sikap badan
Saat berlari sikap badan harus rileks condong ke depan dengan kepala segaris punggung. Pandangan mata lurus ke depan.
C.   Teknik Memasuki Garis Finish
       Untuk melewati garis finish, biasanya persaingan para pelari cukup ketat. Oleh karena itu, pelari perlu menguasai teknik memasuki garis finish dengan tepat. Terdapat beberapa teknik untuk melewati garis finish, yaitu :
       a)    Pelari terus berlari secepatnya tanpa mengurangi kecepatan dan mengubah sikap.
       b)    Pelari memasuki garis finish dengan membusungkan dada ke depan dan kedua tangan ke belakang.
       c)    Pelari menjatuhkan salah satu bahu ke depan atau memiringkan sisi tubuh bagian atas ke depan (dada dan bahu). Yang perlu diperhatikan yaitu saat memiringkan badan ke depan jangan berlebihan karena gerakan tersebut dapat mengganggu keseimbangan badan.
Start yang digunakan pada nomor lari jarak pendek adalah start jongkok. Ada tiga aba-aba yang dilakukan pada lari jarak pendek menggunakan start jongkok, antara lain :
1.         Aba-aba “bersedia”
a)        Lutut kaki belakang diletakkan/ditempatkan berjarak satu kepal sejajar dengan ujung kaki depan.
b)        Kedua lengan lurus sejajar dengan bahu danletakkan di belakang garis start, dengan pinggiran jari telunjuk dan ibu jari menapak di tanah.
c)        Pandangan lurus ke depan kira-kira 2,5 m. Usahakan badan tetap rileks berat badan berada di kedua belah tangan.
2.         Aba-aba “siap”
a)        Angkat panggul ke arah depan atas dengan tenang, sampai sedikit lebih tinggi dari bahu.
b)        Berat badan lebih ke depan, kepala rendah leher tetap kendor, pandangan ke bawah, lengan tetap lurus dan siku tetap lurus.
c)        Pada waktu mengangkat panggul, ambil napas dalam-dalam.
d)       Pusatkan perhatian pada aba-aba “ya”.
3.         Aba-aba “ya”
a)        Ayun lengan kiri ke depan dan lengan kanan ke belakang kuat-kuat.
b)        Kaki kiri menolak kuat-kuat sampai terkejang lurus. Kaki kanan melangkah secepat mungkin, dan secepatnya mencapai tanah.
c)        Dari sikap jongkok berubah ke sikap lari, badan harus naik sedikit demi sedikit. Jangan ada gerakan ke samping.
d)       Langkah lari makin lama makin melebar dengan kecepatan penuh.
Setelah terdengan aba-aba “ya”, pelari segera menolak dengan kuat sebagai awalan. Pelari mencondongkan tubuh ke depan selama 5 sampai 6 meter pertama. Setelah jarak tersebut terlampaui, sprinter mengambil posisi sprint yang lebih tegak untuk sisa lomba. Pada jarak 40 meter, tubuh sprinter telah tegak sepenuhnya. Sikap pelari saat berlari psrint sebagai berikut :
1.    Berpijak pada ujung kaki.
2.    Kaki yang tidak digunakan untuk berpijak ditekuk minimal 90o.
3.    Angkatlah lutut tinggi-tinggi dan paha lebih kurang sejajar dengan tanah.
4.    Kepala dan badan tegak dan pandangan mata tertuju ke depan.
5.    Siku membentuk sudut 90o.
6.    Ayunkan tangan ke depan dan belakang berlawanan dengan ayunan langkah kaki.
            Selain teknik-teknik yang telah disebutkan di atas, ada latihan teknik dasar lari jarak 50 m yang perlu dilakukan oleh para pelari sebelum berlari. Latihan tersebut antara lain :
1)        Latihan Lari di Tempat dengan Berganti Kecepatan
       Latihan lari di tempat dapat dilakukan dengan berganti-ganti kecepatan. Mula-mula latihan dimulai dengan pelan dan makin cepat. Variasi mengangkat lutut (hingga rata air) bisa pula dilakukan. Praktik pelaksanaannya dari pelan, terus ditambah kecepatannya.
2)        Latihan Berjalan dengan Lutut Diangkat Tinggi
       Caranya berjalan perlahan dan mengangkat paha kanan ke posisi horizontal. Kaki kiri diluruskan sepenuhnya hingga ke ujung kaki saat paha kaki kanan horizontal. Lengan ditekukkan pada siku dengan sudut 90o. Selanjutnya, berganti dengan paha kaki kiri yang diangkat. Lakukan secara bergantian sepanjang 10 meter mulai dari langkah perlahan sampai langkah dipercepat.
3)        Latihan Berjalan dengan Meluruskan Lutut
       Cara latihan ini hampir sama dengan latihan 1, hanya saja ketika paha yang diangkat pada posisi horizontal, kaki sepenuhnya diluruskan. Dimulai dengan berjalan mengangkat paha kanan hingga horizontal, kaki kiri tegak lurus dengan telapak kaki menapak tanah. Selanjutnya, kaki kanan diluruskan sepenuhnya sejajar paha dengan kaki kiri tetap dalam posisi tegak lurus. Kemudian, gantian kaki kiri yang diangkat dan diluruskan. Begitu seterusnya dengan urutan gerakan lutut diluruskan setiap kali paha diangkat. Lakukan latihan mulai dari perlahan sampai dipercepat dengan jarak 10 meter.
4)        Latihan Menendang ke Belakang
       Caranya diawali dengan secara perlahan bergerak ke depan dengan menendangkan tumit ke belakang sampai mengenai bokong. Latihan ini membantu mengembangkan pola gerakan kaki ke belakang tubuh. Lakukan latihan ini berulang kali mulai dari perlahan sampai dipercepat dengan jarak 10 meter.
5)        Latihan Menggerakkan Lengan
       Caranya diawali dengan berkonsentrasi untuk mempertahankan sudut lengan pada siku tetap 90o bersamaan dengan ayunan lengan ke depan. Latihan dimulai dengan berdiri, berjalan, berlari-lari kecil, dan sprint. Lakukan latihan ini berulang kali untuk mendapatkan gerak ayunan lengan yang sempurna.
6)        Latihan Berlari dengan Lutut Tinggi Diikuti Sprint
       Caranya dimulai dengan bergerak perlahan-lahan ke depan sejauh 5 meter dengan menekankan pada pengangkatan lutut yang tinggi. Pada gerakan ini, lutut tidak perlu diluruskan. Selanjutnya berlari sekencang-kencangnya ke depan sejauh 10 meter. Lakukan latihan ini berulang kali untuk mendapatkan kecepatan sprint yang baik.
7)        Latihan Pengulangan Sprint dari Start Melayang
       Caranya dimulai dengan melakukan lari akselerasi (lari dengan kecepatan tetap) sepanjang 20-30 meter dari start berdiri, lalu melakukan sprint sepanjang 20-30 meter. Untuk itu, diperlukan lintasan sepanjang 40-60 meter dengan diberi tanda sebagai batas lari akselerasi dan lari sprint. Latihan ini dilakukan secara berulang-ulang dengan selang istirahat 2-3 menit. Jumlah ulangan tergantung dari kebugaran tubuh yang dimiliki.
            Dalam suatu perlombaan lari jarak pendek, ada peraturan perlombaan yang telah ditetapkan oleh induk organisasi atletik internasional IAAF (International Amateur Atletik Federation) atau tingkat nasional PASI (Persatuan Atletik Seluruh Indonesia). Peraturan dalam perlombaan lari jarak pendek yaitu :
1.    Peraturan Perlombaan
       Peraturan perlombaan dalam lari jarak pendek adalah :
       a.  Garis start dan finish dalam lintasan lari ditunjukkan dengan sebuah garis selebar 5 cm siku-siku dengan batas tepi dalam lintasan. Jarak perlombaan harus diukur dari tepi garis start ke tepi garis finish terdekat dengan garis start.
       b.  Aba-aba yang digunakan dalam lomba lari jarak pendek adalah “bersedia”, “siap”, dan “ya” atau bunyi pistol.
       c.  Semua peserta lomba lari mulai berlari pada saat aba-aba “ya” atau bunyi pistol yang ditembakkan ke udara.
       d.  peserta yang membuat kesalahan pada saat start harus diperingatkan (maksimal 3 kali kesalahan).
       e.  Lomba lari jarak pendek pada perlombaan besar dilakukan 4 tahap, yaitu babak pertama, babak kedua, babak semifinal, dan babak final.
       f.   Babak pertama akan diadakan apabila jumlah peserta banyak, pemenang I dan II berhak maju ke babak berikuttnya.
2.    Diskualifikasi atau Hal-hal yang Dianggap Tidak Sah
       Hal-hal yang dianggap tidak sah dalam lari jarak pendek yaitu :
       a.  Melakukan kesalahan start lebih dari 3 kali.
       b.  Memasuki lintasan pelari lain.
       c.  Mengganggu pelari lain.
       d.  Keluar dari lintasan.
       e.  Terbukti memakai obat perangsang.
3.    Petugas atau Juri dalam Lomba Lari
Petugas atau juri dalam lomba lari jarak pendek terdiri atas :
a.  Starter, yaitu petugas yang memberangkatkan pelari.
b.  Recall Starter, yaitu petugas yang mengecek atau mengabsen para pelari.
c.  Timer, yaitu petugas pencatat waktu.
d.  Pengawas Lintasan, yaitu petugas yang berdiri pada tempat tertentu dan bertugas mengawasi pelari apabila melakukan kesalahan dan pelanggaran.
e.  Juri Kedatangan, yaitu petugas pencatat kedatangan pelari yang pertama sampai dengan terakhir dan menentukan ranking/urutan kejuaraan.
f.   Juri Pencatat Hasil, yaitu petugas pencatat hasil setelah pelari memasuki garis finish.
              Dalam lari jarak pendek, yang menjadi kebutuhan utama adalah kecepatan. Kecepatan dalam lari jarak pendek adalah hasil kontraksi yang kuat dan cepat dari otot-otot yang dirubah menjadi gerakan halus dan efisien dan sangat dibutuhkan bagi pelari untuk mendapatkan kecepatan yang tinggi.

              Untuk memaksimalkan kecepatan horizontal, yang dihasilkan dari dorongan badan ke depan. Kecepatan lari ditentukan oleh panjang langkah dan frekuensi lngkah (jumlah langkah persatuan waktu). Oleh karena itu, seorang pelari jarak pendek harus dapat meningkatkan satu atau kedua-duanya.

Jumat, 22 Agustus 2014

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Senin, 18 Agustus 2014

About Me

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Hello guys. My name Is Muhammad Atmadio Ceisario. I'm study at SMAN 10 Samarinda (Indonesia). I'm still new at that school. By the way, you can call me Rio. I was born at Samarinda, 31 August 1999. So my birthday will be as soon as possible right now. My religion is Islam. My hobby are reading history book and sometimes i like playing games. My phone number is +6285389612262

My favourite food is Fried Rice. My favourite drink is Ice tea. Maybe some of you like ice tea, right ? My favourite colour are green and blue. Maybe that's not cool for you but it's cool for me.

I have parents and 2 little sisters. My first little sisters is now at class 6 in elementary school. She is school at SD Muhammadiyah 1 Samarinda (Indonesia). Her name is Widya Ayu Pramesti. You can call her Ayu. My second little sisters is now still at Playgroup. She is school at TK Cahaya Islam (Indonesia). Her name is Syafina Riksa Pratiwi. You can call her Fina.

Sometimes, i love playing games too. I also playing online games too. Such as World Of Tanks (website : www.worldoftanks.com). I'm play at NA (North America) server. My IGN (In Game Name) in World Of Tanks is knightatmadio. You can search my ID WOT (World Of Tanks) just in NA server. I already join clan in that game. My clan name is SAKTI (just for indonesia player). My position at that clan is Company Commander. I have 1 Tier X (T110E5), 2 Tier 7's (T71 and T-43).

That's all i can introduce about myself. Thank you guys.

                                                                                                        Muhammad Atmadio Ceisario

Can Swimming Help You Lose Weight ?

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Have you obsessed swimming as associate exercise to assist you to lose weight? If you're, you're not alone as a result of the majority suppose that swimming is effective thanks to tone muscles and change state. this is often why the general public swimming pools all over square measure perpetually packed within the evenings and on weekends.
Before I frustrate you, i need to initial declare that i'm not against swimming. On the contrary, I swim often for the sake of my vas health. 
Before I frustrate you, i need to initial declare that i'm not against swimming. On the contrary, I swim often for the sake of my vas health. 

However, some analysis appear to counsel that swimming isn't an efficient thanks to change state and if truth be told, one will even gain weight with swimming. obtaining a lot of unclear eh?

Swimming is taken into account by several in concert of the most effective exercises to change state and to tone muscles as a result of once you swim, most of your muscles square measure referred to as into action and you're really having a full body exercise. moreover, swimming conjointly has associate aerobic result so the guts and lungs are becoming their dose of exercise still.

However, a pursuit printed within the yank Journal of medical specialty demostrated that within the absence of a controlled diet, swimming has very little or no result on weight loss.

Professor Grant Gwinup conducted associate experiment correlating swimming with weight loss and came up with shocking results.

a) take a look at subjects place during a sport program lost nineteen pounds during a ninety days study.

b) Those following a walking program lost seventeen pounds within the same amount.

c) Now, brace yourself for this! Subjects within the swimming program really gained further five pounds!

Did the findings shock you? i could not believe what i used to be reading once I initial came upon the report. 

Professor Gwinup then assumes that swimming in cold water stimulates the craving to extend caloric consumption. does one feel hungry when a swimming session? If you are doing, then academic may well be right.

Professor Louise Burke, Head of Nutrition at the Australian Institute of Sport noted that competitive swimmers generally have body fat levels that square measure more than those of runners or cyclists World Health Organization expend the same quantity of energy once they train.
Why is that so? this is often as a result of swimmers feel hungry when swimming and will merely replace all the calories they need burned with an oversized meal and a sugar laden drink when their swim. 

On high of that, they will even consume a lot of calories than they need depleted.

"Some analysis suggests that typically|this can be} thanks to the cool temperatures within which swimmers often train in and against this, runners and cyclists sometimes expertise a rise in blood heat throughout their coaching sessions, which can facilitate to suppress craving." academic Burke same.

Professor Burke conjointly noted that competitive swimmers square measure less active once not in coaching sessions. The swimmers square measure therefore tired from the hours of intensive coaching that they sleep, relax or avoid any active physical activities outside their coaching sessions. Deja vu? does one feel tired and sleepyheaded when a swim?

Now, let's quote toning muscles. Do note that almost all of the work your body will once swimming involves positive muscle actions and no negative action and that we apprehend all apprehend that the negative section, that is, once lowering the weights throughout weight coaching is incredibly necessary in building muscles. 

So will your muscles develop properly once solely the positive muscles square measure worked on? By the means, before you say that competitive swimmers have nice tone, that's as a result of they raise weights to take care of muscle balance still on gain strength for a lot of powerful strokes.

Please, don't quit swimming if you relish the game. Doing any exercise is best than not workout in the slightest degree. simply make certain that you simply do not eat a lot of or become a lot of less active when your reviving swim.

Minggu, 17 Agustus 2014

I'm Not Smart Enough! - What's Your Excuse

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The one who has been continuation his terribly initial year another 5 to 10 times carries a containerful of reasons to reveal why. The procedure goes some issue kind of like this. i am not extremely playacting too effectively here. What am i able to use for AN excuse?
The moment the individual turns into a sorry victim of this specific excuse he sticks with it so as to steer others that his lack of fine results is not his own fault. With constant repetition even he really starts to believe the excuse. He has currently was a chronic case.

My Excuse is known during a variety of strains, and possibly the foremost vital is My Lack of Intelligence Excuse. I ne'er ever had the brains to succeed is AN excuse that as several as as ninety % of men and ladies use in varied degrees. This ill health is suffered in silence chiefly as a result of individuals these days sometimes detest to admit overtly that they assume that they lack intelligence.

Here's the issue.

o we tend to overestimate everyone else's mentality, and underestimate our own mentality

o we tend to sell ourselves short. .

A lot of parents {have no|haven't ANy|don't have any} notion of what intelligence really is and the idea of their belief that they are not intelligent is past experiences at school and in several cases on the constant criticisms of an abusive boss or parent or guardian. It goes some issue like this "you changeling cannot you get something right"!

A significant study of delinquent personalities reveals that they possess characteristics and mental attitudes that ar extremely harmful to everyone concerning them. These embrace routinely choosing the incorrect target and dealing primarily with unhealthy news, hostile remarks, dissolution, and suppression.

These individuals ar enclosed by vulnerable unwell colleagues and relations, who're behaving during a halt manner in lifestyle, failing and not succeeding.
Should you be living or operating in shut proximity to a seriously psychotic individual you are in real danger, thus you actually ought to free your reference to this supply of dissolution as before long as attainable.
Make it clear that you {simply|that you just} simply ar acutely aware that the continual criticisms and public dissolution ar irrational and unfair and desires to prevent. Bear in mind that what motivates psychotic behaviour is concern of everybody else and nearly everything else.

Have you ever puzzled why some good people ar flops? I wont to be shut for quite it slow to a private World Health Organization qualified as a genius. His IQ was higher than a hundred thirty five however he was among the list of least effective individuals I've familiar. He had a mediocre career, was married and single 3 times, smoke-cured forty cigarettes on a daily basis and ultimately drank himself to death. This man used his fantastic mentality to be ready to prove why things do not operate as rather than guiding his need to sorting out strategies to succeed.

One day Albert Einstein was asked the amount of feet you'll be able to realize during a mile. Einstein's reply was, "I do not know" Why should I fill my brain with facts i'm ready to find in 2 minutes in any reference work. He felt that it had been rather more vital to utilize his mind to assume than to store facts. a thought man is ready to show his aspirations into reality. A reality man can't!

Three techniques that you'll be able to use to treat My Lack of Intelligence Excuse

1. inform your self everyday "my perspective is much additional crucial that my intelligence a pair of. keep in mind the capability to assume creatively is much additional vital compared to the aptitude to recall facts.
2. do not sell your self short.
An optimistic terribly positive individual using all his strengths with AN IQ of a hundred can earn an excellent deal additional cash, win considerably additional respect and achieve plenty additional sensible results compared to a negative, bearish, individual World Health Organization fails to use of his natural skills with AN IQ of 120+

Sabtu, 16 Agustus 2014

Disadvantages of Home Schooling

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If you're involved concerning the education your kid is receiving at either a public or school, you will have thought of the choice of home schooling. There area unit several blessings to home schooling that area unit straightforward to think about, however in creating your call you need to additionally think about the disadvantages. Yes, despite all the bonuses you'll be able to think about in home schooling your kid, there area unit several disadvantages to the method
Home schooling could be a method that needs a huge quantity of your time and dedication. If you wish to home college your kid you need to be gift for an outsized a part of the day. youngsters area unit youngsters. reckoning on however actuated by educational success your kid is, he or she might not need constant supervising. However, in several studies, parental supervising is that the key behind the success of home schooling programs.

Parents should additionally possess tutorial skills or access to somebody WHO will teach effectively. merely putt your kid in an exceedingly area with textbooks can possibly lead to home schooling failure. additionally, you may need to purchase materials that public and personal faculties give for college students.

There is additionally {the need|the necessity|the needment} to be ready to function steerage counselor as your kid might require specialised instruction owing to a upset. Public and personal faculties sometimes give these services with qualified people.
One necessary advantage of a tutorial establishment is that the chance for youngsters to become properly socialised. Attending college with alternative kids from all walks of life results in the event of social skills. one amongst the disadvantages of home schooling is that the relative isolation kids have from their peers.

Many oldsters realize comfort in blaming {the educational|the tutorial|the educational} system for the shortcomings in their child's academic performance. If you decide on to home college you may be acceptive full responsibility for the end result of your child's education. this can be additional of a burden than it looks. Studies have shown that several home schooling ventures fail owing to the actual fact that the house usually lacks qualified educators. several oldsters have gripes concerning lecturers, however the actual fact is that they often need to teach giant categories crammed with kids with numerous learning desires. additionally, certified educators have taken teaching categories and have passed state examinations to receive their teaching certificates.

When you approach the problem of home schooling you need to examine each side. Sure, there area unit lots of blessings, however if you forget to seem into the disadvantages, you will be setting yourself up for failure.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Education

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Getting an internet education has become a really in style technique lately. whether or not you're yearning for a highschool certification or a graduate degree or some specialised certification to supplement your existing information, it's terribly convenient to get these while not having to require break day from your schedule to attend a daily institution.
There ar several benefits related to on-line study. Some are given below:

Unlike ancient learning, distance learning offers you larger flexibility, as you do not have to be compelled to waste time- and money- commutation to the field and you'll select a program that really suits your interests or skilled desires, as a result of {you ar|you're} not confined to the categories that are offered domestically.
Another advantage to distance learning is that the incontrovertible fact that you'll still work, as a result of you do not have to be compelled to worry regarding fitting your categories around your job schedule.
Online programs usually price but their ancient counterparts, thus you'll save cash on tuition, if you pursue your degree through an internet university.
Online study is additionally an excellent possibility for those students with physical handicaps, which can stop them from traveling to a standard field. Likewise, if you're back, or even perhaps language-challenged, taking part in an internet course could also be the right various to a live category.
There ar some major benefits to on-line education, together with the power to line your own study time. might|you'll|you will} be yearning for a promotion or career modification that needs extra coaching otherwise you may merely be able to learn one thing new. however with today's busy style, there is very little time to devote to often regular category time. that is wherever on-line education will be an excellent plus for a impelled person.

Although there ar several benefits of an internet education, there are some disadvantages. the actual fact that you simply ar engaged on your own may alright be one among the key disadvantages of taking on-line academic categories.

Another major disadvantage is that the lack of interaction. you are not during a schoolroom and do not have the chance to listen to queries and discussion from different students. this is not invariably a difficulty, betting on the topic of the net education course you're taking, however it can be a crucial think about deciding whether or not an internet education is that the best choice once seeking out opportunities for learning new skills or gaining new coaching.

But especially the disadvantages the net education is gaining additional esteem than ancient education.

The Importance of IT Support Services for Your Business

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Modern businesses will sick afford to possess inefficient pc networks for his or her with success running operations. 2 vital area unitas requiring an in depth observance are income and inventory, and also the observance is feasible only if you've got associate fittingly designed and properly functioning automatic data processing system. Moreover, variety of companies rely upon their computers for providing economical services to their purchasers. that produces it all the a lot of relevant to possess a reliable IT support for businesses operative beneath extremely competitive markets of nowadays.

Here area unit the 3 factors that build it important to induce IT support for your business:

Enhance the potency

Making use of IT support ends up in associate improved potency and inter-office communication, so saving operational expenses for the corporate. A firm providing IT support within the type of backup for the companies' knowledge at the side of a firewall product is bound to reinforce the potency of any business. you'd appreciate that any company essentially needs backup services for guaranteeing the continuity of its numerous operations just in case of any mishap, like viruses, or natural disasters like hearth that might demolish the arduous discs of the pc systems.

Getting firewall protection from a purported vender conjointly enhances the potency of companies. Firewall keep unfree viruses and Trojan attacks, that area unit best-known to forestall your computers from functioning at optimum efficiencies, and should even cause an entire close up of the pc network. One positive manner that may keep your computers free from all viruses that would hamper your business is to induce firewall protection from a purported company providing IT support.

Prevent any losses

Firewalls conjointly facilitate preventing the loss of funds. Businesses lose substantial amounts of cash to fraudsters and hackers thanks to the loss of knowledge relating credit cards. Such swindlers of cash use wicked ways that for targeting the databases of corporations, and slip away important money knowledge for private advantages. Businesses will forestall the loss of important knowledge by obtaining help from knowledgeable company providing IT support.

Regular maintenance and change

Irrespective of its size, price has perpetually remained a foremost concern for any business. even so, most corporations area unit beneath the incorrect impression that it works out a lot of economical to induce things fastened as and once any downside arises, as compared to hiring the services of corporations providing IT support. These corporations don't appear to understand that the expenses they incur for taking care of the matter when it's appeared area unit bigger than the monthly expense they will ought to pay to the businesses providing them the a lot of needed IT support. apart from that, you furthermore may lose many valuable time once the assembly method involves a halt for taking care of the matter, that might are avoided by enterprise the upkeep frequently. By hiring IT support services offered by knowledgeable company, you're assured that your systems are monitored and updated frequently. it's so an enormous relief after you haven't any worries of period caused by blooming networks. In alternative words, you've got longer to concentrate on your business.

Texas businesses wanting to having a competitive edge would essentially need IT support state capital services. you'll rent the services of skilled corporations providing pc repair state capital services at competitive costs to make sure that the network of pc systems put in for your business necessities is maintained and monitored the least bit times.

The Benefits of Video Gaming

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Video games ar created to entertain folks, that involve human interaction. because of the transportable size of electronic devices, fashionable technology created it potential to play electronic games virtually anyplace. taking part in these games ar positively entertaining , on the other hand} again, there ar plenty of advantages connected thereto.

1. It promotes social interaction between players.

Multiplayer games allow you to play against or hand and glove along with your friends. It aids players to figure along and hone their team talent to win games. It additionally develops equity angle that develops their personal angle.

Playing huge multiplayer on-line games and social games will uplift social behavior. It permits gamers sit down with one another and encourages them to create new friends.

2. It improves mental perception.

Playing puzzle and strategy games permits gamers to exercise brain, muscles whereas entertaining  themselves. Games like these ar found to be helpful, particularly in revitalising individual's recent talents and mastering new ones.

Strategy and puzzle games give memory coaching games by keeping the gamer's focus sharp. taking part in mind games ofttimes aids, to stop memory issues and different connected brain disorders. it's among the foremost ideal approach to stay up and utilize the human mental schools.

3. It serves to be useful in reality scenario.

There ar a lot of simulation games out there that duplicates reality activities as a diversion for various purpose like coaching and analysis. a number of these games provide you with the texture of dominant bound vehicles like planes, cars, etc. that works virtually constant within the universe.

4. It improves eye-hand coordination.

Most casual games that ar being free today focuses on exactness, accuracy, and response time all of that improves hand eye coordination. Hand eye coordination is as important talent required all told styles of real-life circumstances. it's the visual system's capability to understand and management objects. taking part in quick action games mends hand eye coordination, expands the gamer's analytical reasoning, and improves deciding all at constant time.

5. It combined with body movements will facilitate in losing weight.

Exercise recreation helps burn unwanted calories and improve fitness in an exceedingly fun and exciting means. plenty of computer game consoles ar implementing games like these to push a healthy living.

Gaming could have a positive result, however gamers have created bound to play it moderately. {they ar|they're} accountable choose whether or not the games they play are useful or not. After all, something that's an excessive amount of is unhealthy.

Kamis, 14 Agustus 2014

Tips for Finding a New Job While You Are Currently Employed

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Haven't any text to check? haven't any text to check? Click "Select Samples".The current job market isn't ideal and there's uncertainty; that aforesaid there ar nice career opportunities out there. If you're presently utilized it's harder to conduct employment search, however it may be done neatly and with all respect. Here ar some tips for a productive job search whereas presently utilized, and moving on with grace:

Job looking whereas you're utilized may be difficult. you do not wish to burn bridges or get replaced before you have got found your dream job. whereas generally the a lot of people that apprehend you're trying, the better for individuals to seek out you, this is often not Associate in Nursing choice once you have to be compelled to keep your current employment. Conducting employment search confidentially suggests that selecting the individuals you tell with wisdom. usually you would not embody your co-workers, higher management, or company contacts during this secret. operating with a recruiter can shield your identity till mutual interest with a prospective leader is established. once you do have Associate in Nursing interview, let the corporate apprehend that your job search is confidential.

Do It On Your Own Time &

This is your job search, check that you are doing this on your personal time and use your own resources. check that that you just offer solely personal the contact info on your resume or missive. For job search correspondence, use a private email, or got wind of a replacement email, and use your own phone and private laptop. this is often respectful of the work consent that you're presently engaged, and can keep you out of any conflicts that would arise if your job search becomes notable.


Just as the work looking ought to be done on your own time, ideally interviews ought to too. this is often not invariably doable after all, thus once you cannot schedule a phone or onsite interview outside of labor hours, use your paid day off. instead of invent any reasons, merely use your personal time. And use caution if you reaching to work on an equivalent days as your interview that you just do not provide yourself away by incoming wearing a suit and tie that you just ne'er wear to work!
nternet Job looking

Privacy settings could embody your name and call info as an example, and a few provide the flexibility to dam specific viewers like your current company from viewing your resume. whereas the web offers huge resources, use caution concerning what you broadcast on social media from Twitter to LinkedIn, your comments may be cosmopolitan and really tough to retract. Review your photos and private info as employers use social media too!


It is tough to utilize networks once your job search is confidential, but you'll be able to strengthen relationships and communications generally which can open up some doors and provide insight into new opportunities.

Moving On With Grace

Stay endowed in your current position and honor the work contract and trust that you just have together with your current leader whereas job looking. till you have got accepted a proposal in writing, do not tell anyone concerning your job search or new job. Once the new position is confirmed, tell your boss initial and follow the standard protocols of providing adequate notice (typically a minimum of 2 weeks). Be sleek in your departure. The relationships you have got designed here ar vital, whether or not for continued business relations within the same business, getting recommendations within the future, or maybe future employment down the road with colleagues.


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Your brain’s stress response will fix your body and mind to avoid wasting you from grave dangers, however its inability to tell apart and strain less sinister stimuli will leave you feeling wired, and even impair your health. fortuitously, consultants say there’s a lot of you'll do to avoid stress and improve your ability to deal with it—and to repair a number of the harm it causes. Here area unit some tips.

• learn the way to relax.  We’re not talking concerning taking a nap within the curtilage hammock, however rather utilizing mind-body techniques like deep respiration, specialise in a soothing word like “peace” or “calm,” and image of tranquil scenes. Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital, in a very study of 122 patients aged fifty five and older WHO suffered from high blood pressure, that active the techniques typically lowered  their pressure most that they were ready to get off medication.

•    Drink a lot of tea.  The potable contains theanine, a chemical that not solely improves psychological feature however conjointly includes a calming result. A study printed in 1999 found that brains of subjects WHO got the chemical showed a lot of of a kind of wave related to relaxation.

•    Take a walk on a daily basis. Any type of physical activity will increase your body’s production of endorphins, a kind of neurochemical that helps to cut back anxiety, per the yank Psychological Association.

•    Stop and smell the flowers. Okay, which may sound bromidic, however it truly works. in a very study printed in 2009, Japanese researchers found that the scent of lemon, mango, lavender, and different scented plants alters cistron activity and blood chemistry in ways in which cut back stress levels.

Rabu, 13 Agustus 2014

How to improve your skill ?

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You probably would like you had been born with some kind of gift, right?

You were.

"We ar typically schooled that talent begins with genetic gifts--that the proficient ar able to effortlessly perform feats the remainder folks will solely dream concerning. this can be false. Talent begins with temporary, powerful encounters that spark motivation by linking your identity to a high-performing person or cluster. this can be referred to as ignition, and it consists of a small, world-shifting thought lighting up your unconscious mind:

"I may well be them."

That's the introduction to Daniel Coyle's the small Book of Talent, a cool book stuffed with fifty two simple, proved  strategies to boost virtually any talent. it is a nice guide; in exactly a number of minutes you will suppose, Oh, wow, many times.

Here's Associate in Nursing example. you wish to induce higher at one thing. At something. simply probing the follow motions provides very little or no results, though, therefore the secret's to create positive you utilize a technique that follows the R.E.P.S. gauge:

R: Reaching and continuance

E: Engagement

P: Purposefulness

S: Strong, Speedy Feedback

Let's take a quick verify every.

Reaching and Repeating: follow ought to need you to work at the sting of your abilities; in brief, you have got to systematically reach and perpetually repeat.

Say you are leading a coaching session. ought to you:

1. turn one person, raise an issue, and have him or her answer it, or

2. cause the question initial, so indiscriminately select somebody to answer (and perhaps even flip the exercise into a game)?

The second is that the best approach, as a result of everybody has got to reach, each time--even if he or she is not referred to as on. turn John from accounting, and that i grasp i do not got to answer the question; I will sit back, check my email, and wait till you finally turn ME. i do not got to reach but--maybe--once.

Always place yourself--or the folks you are training--in a footing to succeed in, over and all over again.

Engagement: follow should command your attention and cause you to feel showing emotion invested with in endeavor for a goal.

Say you are attempting to excellent your slide transitions for a presentation. ought to you:

1. Run through the full presentation ten times, or

2. try and hit every transition utterly, while not mistakes, 3 displays during a row?

Running through your presentation ten times during a row can want death; attempting to be excellent thrice during a row turns the exercise into a game you care concerning.

Make sure the end result of each rehearsal are some things you'll care about: you will attempt tougher and be a lot of engaged, and you will improve quicker.

Purposefulness: follow should directly connect with the talent you wish to make. (Sounds obvious, however typically what we have a tendency to follow has very little to try and do with what we want to accomplish.)

Say you are feeling nervous and intimidated once you got to speak to a gaggle. ought to you:

1. execute reception, alone, till you recognize your material within out, or

2. follow chatting with little teams of individuals in less formal settings, like during a meeting?

Although solo rehearsing definitely helps, the sole thanks to perform well below the pressure of Associate in Nursing audience is to really follow chatting with folks. No quantity of solo follow can prepare you for the nerves you will feel once each eye within the space is on you.

Strong, Speedy Feedback: follow should give a right away and consistent flow of correct data concerning performance.

Say you are finding out for a certification test. you bought a sample check guide. ought to you:

1. Take an entire check and wait till following day to visualize however you probably did, or

2. Complete a district and forthwith grade your answers to visualize wherever you went wrong (and right)?

Take the check in chunks. Check your results quickly. Immediate feedback is that the best feedback; you will higher connect the dots as a result of you are within the flow. Waiting even daily for feedback creates a mental distance and an absence of engagement that ar very laborious to overcome--which means that abundant of the time you spent attempting to be told was wasted.

Islam is peacefull religion, Islam isn't TERRORISM

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The Islam that was discovered to Muhammad (s.a.a.w.), is that the continuation and end result of all the preceding discovered religions and thence it's for all times and every one peoples. This standing of Islam is sustained by obtrusive facts. Firstly, there's no alternative discovered book existing within the same kind and content because it was discovered. Secondly, no alternative religious belief has any convincing claim to supply steering altogether walks of human life for all times. however Islam addresses humanity at massive and offers basic steering relating to all human issues. Moreover, it's withstood the take a look at of fourteen hundred years and has all the potentialities of creating a perfect society because it did underneath the leadership of the last Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.).

It was a miracle that Prophet Muhammad may bring even his toughest enemies to the fold of Islam while not adequate material resources. Worshippers of idols, blind followers of the ways that of forefathers, promoters of social group feuds, abusers of human dignity and blood, became the foremost disciplined nation underneath the steering of Islam and its Prophet. Islam opened before them vistas of religious heights and human dignity by declaring morality because the sole criterion of advantage and honor. Islam formed their social, cultural, ethical and business life with basic laws and principles that area unit in conformity with attribute and thence applicable altogether times as attribute doesn't amendment.

It is therefore unfortunate that the Christian West, rather than sincerely making an attempt to know the exceptional success of Islam throughout its earlier time, thought-about it as a rival faith. throughout the centuries of the Crusades this trend gained a lot of force and impetus and a large quantity of literature was made to tarnish the image of Islam. however Islam has begun to unfold its genuineness to the fashionable students whose daring and objective observations on Islam belie all the costs leveled against it by the questionable unbiased orientalists.

Here we have a tendency to furnish some observations on Islam by nice and acknowledged non-Muslim students of recent time. Truth wants no advocates to plead on its behalf, however the prolonged malicious information against Islam has created nice confusion even within the minds of free and objective thinkers.

"It (Islam) replaced monkishness by manfulness. It provides hope to the slave, brotherhood to grouping, and recognition of the basic facts of attribute."

Canon Taylor, Paper browse before the Church Congress at Walverhamton, Oct. 7, 1887; Quoted by Arnoud within the PREACHING OF ISLAM, pp. 71-72.

"Sense of justice is one in every of the foremost marvelous ideals of Islam, as a result of as I browse within the Qur'an I realize those dynamic principles of life, not mystic however sensible ethics for the daily conduct of life suited to the complete world."

Lectures on "The Ideals of Islam;" see SPEECHES AND WRITINGS OF SAROJINI NAIDU, Madras, 1918, p. 167.

"History makes it clear but, that the legend of rabid Muslims sweeping through the globe and forcing Islam at the purpose of the brand upon conquered races is one in every of the foremost fabulously absurd myths that historians have ever recurrent."

De Lacy O'Leary, ISLAM AT THE CROSSROADS, London, 1923, p. 8.

"But Islam encompasses a still any service to render to the reason for humanity. It stands on balance nearer to the important East than Europe will, and it possesses an impressive tradition of inter-racial understanding and cooperation. No alternative society has such a record of success uniting in associate equality of standing, of chance, and of endeavours numerous so numerous races of grouping . . . Islam has still the ability to reconcile apparently hostile parts of race and tradition. If ever the opposition of the nice societies of East and West is to get replaced by cooperation, the mediation of Islam is an essential condition. In its hands lies terribly mostly the answer of the matter with that Europe is sweet-faced in its relation with East. If they unite, the hope of a peaceful issue is infinitely increased. however if Europe, by rejecting the cooperation of Islam, throws it into the arms of its rivals, the problem will solely be black for each."

H.A.R. Gibb, WHITHER ISLAM, London, 1932, p. 379.

"I have continuously control the faith of Muhammad in high estimation as a result of its marvelous vitality. it's the sole faith that seems to ME to possess that assimilative capability to the ever-changing part of existence which might build itself charm to each age. I even have studied him - the marvelous man associated in my opinion for from being an anti-Christ, he should be known as the Saviour of Humanity. i feel that if a person like him were to assume the autarchy of the fashionable world, he would reach determination its issues in a very means that may bring it the a lot of required peace and happiness: I even have prophesied concerning the religion of Muhammad that it might be acceptable to the Europe of tomorrow because it is commencing to be acceptable to the Europe of these days."

G.B. Shaw, the real ISLAM, Vol. 1, No. 81936.

"The extinction of race consciousness as between Muslims is one in every of the outstanding achievements of Islam, and within the present there's, because it happens, a crying want for the propagation of this Moslem virtue."

A.J. Toynbee, CIVILIZATION unproven, New York, 1948, p.205.

"The rise of Islam is probably the foremost wonderful event in human history. Springing from a land and country like antecedently negligible, Islam unfold among a century over 0.5 the planet, shattering nice empires, overthrowing long established religions, remoulding the souls of races, and increase a full new world - world of Islam.

"The nearer we have a tendency to examine this development the additional extraordinary will it seem. the opposite nice religions won their means slowly, by painful struggle and eventually triumphed with the help of powerful monarchs born-again to the new religion. Christianity had its Constantine, Buddhism its Asoka, and Mazdaism its Cyrus the Younger, every disposition to his chosen cult the mighty force of lay authority. Not therefore Islam. Arising in a very desert land sparsely tenanted by a bird of passage race antecedently insignificant in human annals, Islam sallied forth on its nice journey with the slenderest human backing and against the heaviest material odds. nonetheless Islam triumphed with on the face of it miraculous ease, and one or two of generations saw the Fiery Crescent borne victorious from the chain of mountains to the the Himalaya and from the desert of Central Asia to the deserts of Central African Republic."

--A.M.L. Stoddard, quoted in ISLAM - the faith OF ALL PROPHETS, Moslem Bawani Waqf, Karachi, Pakistan, p. 56.

"Islam could be a faith that's basically philosophical theory within the widest sense of this term thought-about etymologically and traditionally. The definition of rationalism as a system that bases non secular beliefs on principles supplied with by the rationale applies to that specifically . . . It can not be denied several|that a lot of|that several} doctrines and systems of theology and conjointly many superstitions, from the worship of saints to the employment of rosaries and amulets, became grafted on the most trunk of Muslim creed. however in spite of the wealthy developments, in each sense of the term, of the teachings of the Prophet, the Quran has consistent unbroken its place because the basic start line, and therefore the dogma of unity of God has continuously been declared in this with a grandeur, a majesty, associate consistent purity and with a note of certain conviction, that it's onerous to search out surpassed outside the pale of Islam. This fidelity to the basic dogma of the faith, the fundamental simplicity of the formula during which it's enunciated, the proof that it gains from the fervid conviction of the missionaries UN agency propagate it, area unit numerous causes to elucidate the success of Muhammadan missionary efforts. A creed therefore precise, therefore stripped of all system of rules complexities and consequently therefore accessible to the standard understanding may well be expected to possess and will so possess a fabulous power of winning its means into the consciences of men."

Edward Montet, "La Propagande Chretienne et ses Adversaries Musulmans," Paris, 1890; Quoted by T.W. Arnold within the PREACHING OF ISLAM, London, 1913, pp. 413-414.

"I am not a Muslim within the usual sense, tho' I hope i'm a "Muslim" as "one given to God," however i feel that embedded within the Quran and alternative expressions of the Moslem vision area unit Brobdingnagian stores of divine truth from that I and alternative occidentals have still a lot of to be told, and 'Islam is definitely a robust challenger for the supply of the fundamental framework of the one faith of the long run.'"
--W. Montgomery Watt, ISLAM AND CHRISTIANITY these days, London, 1983, p. ix.

This is real , no fake

Sabtu, 09 Agustus 2014

History of the Hebrew Language and How Best To Translate It

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The Hebrew language may be a ancient Semitic one, employed in the time of the testament. Biblical Hebrew is often called Classical Hebrew and has been derived back to the tenth century BC to the dominions of Judah and Israel.
Hebrew wasn't spoken a lot of over the centuries, though it had been used extensively as a literary language and because the rite language of Judaism. several dialects of Classical Hebrew (sometimes referred to as Medieval Hebrew) existed at the time, as well as the Midrashic Hebrew of the third century BC.
Employed within the Mishnah and located within the lake Scrolls such as the Hellenistical and Roman Periods before the annihilation of the Church in capital of Israel. The Babylonian Gemorrah, written concerning this point, was typically written within the Aramaic language and utilised a precise amount of Greek words yet.
It was solely at the beginning of the nineteenth century that Modern Hebrew became the written and language of the person people. it's straightforward to grasp however difficult  it are often to interpret Hebrew into the other language. the trendy quite the language is associate degree accumulation of various dialects and colloquialisms. It includes words from many alternative languages eg the romance languages of French, Spanish and Italian yet as Greek, High German and Arabic. to boot, throughout the past century, several English words became a crucial a part of each written and spoken Hebrew. The Hebrew language is often developing, with new words being extra once needed. to boot, Modern Hebrew has several native ideas and terms that maintain their which means simply once utilized within the right context and can otherwise result in misunderstandings and misinterpretations. As associate degree example, a few years back, once the movie industry in Israel was 1st initiating, the Hebrew flicks used subtitles in one or 2 languages so as to charm to as many various show goers right away.
These subtitles were typically inaccurate and fully reduced the dialog of the characters within the flick.
An automatic translation code programme, whereas faster and cheaper, can with success interpret solely the words of the text and can pass over lots of truth temperament of the Hebrew words and sentences. A manual translator, ideally one World Health Organization has lived in Israel, World Health Organization is accomplished within the two languages, can inject truth nature and flavour of the language into his interpretation. Yes, it's costlier, however if preciseness is required, manual translation is that the solely doable thanks to go.

Global warming: How poverty supports the most dangerous kind of emissions

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The role of impoverishment in several aspects of life could be a well-documented chronicle that stares the planet within the face. impoverishment has large contribution to gender imbalance, abuse of rights, inability to access smart food, water, tending amongst others.
This time, impoverishment has unconcealed that its tentacles also are up to the mark of the transport and power systems in a number of the Third World countries particularly experimenting ones of continent. Federal Republic of Nigeria is one or maybe the sole country in continent housing over fifteen million of varied versions of 2-stroke engines. The inexperienced Society of Federal Republic of Nigeria has same that these untidy and simply wiped out engines ar on each second of the day emitting partly combusted however terribly dangerous fuel gases to the system. the worldwide fight against depletion of the layer geared toward protective the diversity wouldn't be complete if this menace delineated  as ‘Asian Dilemma' by Anumita Roychowdhury, associate director of the Centre for Science and setting (CSE) in Asian country isn't self-addressed with immediate liveliness altogether Third World nations of continent together with Federal Republic of Nigeria wherever these 2 and 3 wheeled engines predominate presently.
Illustrating this challenge in Federal Republic of Nigeria, there ar 3 varieties of 2-stroke engines that dominate the system. The machine bikes ar referred to as ‘Okada' whereas the simple machine ones ar named ‘keke or Napep'. nevertheless there's another that has claimed numerous lives in Federal Republic of Nigeria referred to as ‘I pass my neighbour' that means that i'm higher than my neighbour. This last one truly could be a power generator. {nigeria|Nigeria|Federal Republic of Federal Republic of Nigeria|African country|African nation} contains a whole folded power sector and price of running larger generators isn't friendly to over one hundred million pockets in Nigeria owing to the actual fact that several ar still living below the poverty level.  The introduction of ‘I pass my neighbour' was a lot of or less like voice communication that a messiah has return. Most of them that principally return from China price as very little as $55-$60 per unit. This pocket-friendliness created the acquisition of ‘I pass my neighbour' a-must-have for each zero in Federal Republic of Nigeria regardless of however poor the family is since the national facility is a lot of or less moribund. This conjointly goes to the nation's facility. this technique will higher be same to be in shambles as the majority transportation activities within the country ar done on the roads rendering severe pressures on the roads. however ‘Okada' could be a howling alternative for quick and versatile movements inside town of port et al. that ar traffic-jam ridden. The three-wheeler has adequately replaced automotive taxis and then families, friends and associates recently fancy it to cruise in ‘keke or napep' with dangerous gases emitted behind them as they cruise. folks select these engines to induce around and power their homes as a result of they're low-cost, powerful and simple to repair. however within the reverse, the setting and human health ar compromised. And as cities balloon and populations grow, the amount of journeys and two-stroke engines ar certain to grow with it if uncontrolled.
Setting up the monetary unit 111 by the eu Union is nice however moderately not enough to halt the trend if the third world governments of those nations don't seem to be created to grasp the enormity of issues the employment of those engines might impact on the complete earth. there's would like for cross-fertilization of concepts and a powerful push for the correct practices to be determined in these nations.
Just as was the case within the entire Asia and India-a co-inventor of those engines before 2004, regarding 75-80% of the traffic constitutes these machines, thus is that the case in Federal Republic of Nigeria nowadays. owing to impoverishment and inability for many folks into the transportation sector to accumulate four stroke engines for his or her businesses they are going for these pocket friendly 2-strokes that should pass by mixture gasoline with engine oil. specialists have same that as a result of 2-stroke engines burn petrol-oil mixture, they emit a lot of smoke, a lot of monoxide, a lot of hydrocarbons and a lot of material than the engines that run on gasoline alone. In effect, 2-stroke engines ar extremely wasteful within the use of fuel. specialists confirmed that up to four-hundredth of the gasoline and oil depart of the pipage not combusted resulting in unharness of a lot of dangerous carbons, element gas, sulphur, hydrocarbons in addition as fine dust- all being far more nephrotoxic than those emitted by any 4-stroke engine. of these nephrotoxic compounds contribute vastly to urban pollution.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has stressed that these categories of pollution ar to blame for pollution resulting in the deaths of quite 0.5 1,000,000 folks a year. regarding simple fraction of the residents of urban center and metropolis suffered from metabolism symptoms like cold and dry and wet cough before the govt. place pressure to finish usage of such vehicles. United Nations agency has conjointly classified that urban pollution ranks thirteenth greatest contributor to malady burden and death worldwide. On the opposite hand, Mrs Tokunbo Jakande, executive, inexperienced Society of Federal Republic of Nigeria same that analysis shows that these categories of emissions contribute vastly to the depletion of the layer quicker than would emissions from a 4-stroke engine.
Before the tricycles referred to as keke or napep in Federal Republic of Nigeria ar prohibited in Thailand, it had been calculable that one keke is comparable to fifty cars in terms of vaporific emissions and contributed forty seventh of pollution particulates within the air. nowadays the state has curtailed on the employment of those vehicle. Philippines did same and Asian country has conjointly gone ahead to nearly scale back to zero the employment of those transport mess despite the fact that it's still a manufacturer of 2-stroke engine. The proliferation of those engines in Africa's Third World countries ought to be worrisome. Yes, several native metabolism connected deaths ar either not investigated or believed to be effects of tobacco smoking; it's changing into evident that almost all cases coupled to tobacco smoking within these countries are literally caused by 2-stroke engine emissions in the air.
There is imperative got to weigh down on the usage of those engines however once more, for this to be effective, the govt. should give another. The snag would be if the affected governments would have enough political-will to tackle this menace that has direct native and world implications on the setting and human. once national capital toughened up vehicle inspections and emissions standards in 2000, 2-wheelers were over ninety six of the city's traffic. However, March 2004, discharged the result that solely four-hundredth was in use with five hundredth out of the streets, consistent with Supat Wangwongwatana, deputy director general of Thailand's Pollution management Department. continent nations would wish to conjointly adopt what Philippines did by giving interest free loan for operators of 2-stroke engines to upgrade to 4-stroke. This approach would seem most executable possibility because it isn't straightforward to repair nightlong their power and transportation systems. once 2-stroke baby taxis were phased out of Dacca, Bangladesh, in 2002, particulate concentrations born up to four-hundredth, with monoxide in addition as hydrocarbons fell considerably, S.M.A. Bari, director of engineering at the Bangla Desh Road Transport Authority same.

So guys, we have to stop this global warming before too late or we don't have any place again in this planet.

Succes In Life

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Getting towards success will mean a full of plenty to some one. they require success, and success will are available several forms. to only be financially free, or to own the time to try and do what they extremely need to try and do.
People say they require success however do not provide time to changing into it. Success will come back to those that need to own success. dangerous enough that that is all they require to try and do with there time. They pay their time going when their goals. They see failures as how to start out additional|another time|yet again|all over again} more showing intelligence. they really like failures as a result of that shows them wherever they have to enhance, as they learn from their mistakes. you do not learn from success.

That's the distinction between those that succeed and folks that do not. those that do not let failures stop them, from attaining their goals. they furnish up at the primary sign of failure. Imagine if you gave up learning a way to walk after you fell. you'd ne'er learn the way to steer.

People forget to relish the journey, as a result of the person you're changing into finally the expertise is what you desired. thus settle for the faults and march on. till you succeed there's nothing which will stop you. Take the punches and march on. Keep moving forward.

There area unit reaching to be smart days, and there reaching to be dangerous days. It's up to you to set however dangerous you actually need it. What area unit you willing to sacrifice, to become booming. Your dynamical, your dynamical without delay reading this. It's up to you to settle on a higher life for yourself, and understand your reaching to succeed.

You same enough is enough i am going out there and i am not stopping until I reach success. there is ne'er been a higher time then without delay for you to start out to require action and reach wonderful success for your life. it is your moment, it is your time. understand your reaching to succeed and chase it.

Get your mentality right and begin to urge yourself towards success. you bought to like what you are doing. bed with passion and heart and you may ne'er quit, as a result of you cannot quit. It's a part of you. Go get it. Click here... Write your email, click the submit button. Watch the video, take your mastercard out and get currently. It's $25 to start out. it is your time to travel when your goals and begin to measure your dreams. you'll reach greatness, do not let something or anyone tell you totally different. i do know you'll reach greatness.

Success is there for those that request it. it is your time.

Keeping it Simple

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Over the past few months, the ideas of uncovering back the superfluous, simplifying and propulsion apart actuality that means of integrity are sturdy personal themes. for several folks,  theres a drive to once more examine recent patterns that still run gayly within the background despite years of rumination. maybe beneath the direction of a replacement international energy, theres a way of having the ability to fondly jettisoning of these things that have served USA all well on one level, however have offered excuses to remain tiny on another.
I stumbled on Don Miguel Ruiz The Four Agreements the opposite day and it powerfully resonated with this need to pare back; to simplify; to become a lot of real as a participant during this world and start in operation in an exceedingly a lot of authentic method.

1. Be Impeccable together with your Word: Speak with integrity. Say solely what you mean. Avoid mistreatment the Word to talk against yourself or to gossip regarding others. Use the facility of your Word within the direction of truth and love.
2. Dont Take something Personally: Nothing others do is owing to you. What others say and do could be a projection of their own reality, their own dream. once you area unit resistant to the opinions and actions of others, you wont be the victim of uncalled-for suffering.
3. Dont create Assumptions: notice the spirit to raise queries and to specific what you actually need. Communicate with others as clearly as you'll be able to to avoid misunderstandings, disappointment and drama. With simply this one agreement, you'll be able to utterly remodel your life.
4. perpetually Do Your Best: Your best goes to vary from moment to moment; it'll vary once you area unit healthy as hostile sick. beneath any circumstance, merely do your best, and you may avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret to may virtually modification the method we tend to as humans operate during this world. however do they resonate with you? Please be happy to share your thoughts, we like to hear from you.

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