Jumat, 14 Agustus 2015

Indonesia Traditional “Kebaya”

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Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Today, i will tell you about kebaya. 
In many parts of Indonesia, the kebaya is seen as a strong nationalistic symbol and has been strongly supported as a symbol of identity for Indonesian women by prominent figures through out the nation’s history.

Recently, this traditional dress has become recognized internationally as it is used as the uniform for flight attendance (stewardesses) on Singapore Airlines, Malaysia Airlines, and Garuda Indonesia.
 In our opinion, kebaya is good to  be showed in out of the country and good for our culture too. Because of it, it means we have to maintain and protect kebaya well, because it is one of our culture. All of us must have to protect it because national culture is very precious for our identity, Indonesia.
 Kebaya has been recognized by UNESCO and world, and now other countries has already used kebaya. So international people will know kebaya is one of our beautiful culture.It means we have to proud for our country because of it. And if kebaya become a famous clothes in the world, maybe our young generation can be proud to wear kebaya, not just in the formal event maybe they will wear kebaya in the informal event also.
“to conserve our culture, it’s seems like the next generation must wear kebaya so we are not forgeting the culture from our country” –AnneAhira.com
So, in this topic, our conclusion is we are must be proud being  Indonesian people because we have a lot of culture, specially for kebaya. We must maintain and protect it because it is very precious for our country. Of course, we have to proud to wear kebaya.
That's all we know about kebaya. If anyone want to correct it, just post it in comment with positive sentence. Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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